The Tan Ban
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The sun nourishes our bodies with Vitamin D but can also damage our skin with UV Rays. Take a stand against skin cancer and protect your skin daily with sunscreen. Here are a few tips that can assist you in your quest to stop aging.
Double Up: For lengthy sun exposure wear two layers of sunscreen. Layer 1: Use a “chemical“ sunscreen (one with Uvinul T 150 or Mexoryl SX). Layer 2: Use a “physical” sunblock (with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide). The rays that get through the first layer will be intercepted by the second.
Not So Fast: If you're planning a day on the beach, you can activate Vitamin D production in the skin with sensible exposure with light or no protection before applying your high barrier sunscreens. For pale to fair skin, 10 to 20 minutes and for darker skin tones, 20 to 30 minutes.
Faking It: A spray tan is a good cosmetic approach for swimsuit readiness. To ensure your fake bake looks natural and undetectable, use a darker shade for your body and lighter color on your face.
Be Beautiful!
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