The Five Senses to Beautiful
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Looking your best goes beyond the makeup counter...
1. TOUCH: Radiate a visible warmth...
Jo Malone “Pomegranate Noir Body Crème”
2. SMELL: Exude a distinctive aura of splendid...
Tom Ford’s Eau De Parfum Private Blend Collection in “Azure Lime”
3. SIGHT: Elevate your outlook with an excursion of discovery...
Madrid, Spain
4. TASTE: Devour morsels of savory deliciousness..
Alegrias, San Francisco
5. HEARING: Discover symphonies of sound...
Len Monachello’s All Night Chemists “Senses”
Image: Len Monachello Photo:Gabriel Trujillo/Sparkle Beauty Studio NYC
Be Beautiful!
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